Thursday, 15 March 2012

Mother Teresa, picture of radiating light..

I've just read the excellent book above, and love this picture of Mother Teresa. It has amazed me how this small determined person changed the world. Her critics, including the late Christopher Hitchens seemed to carry around an unhealthy hatred of her, and her firmly entrenched views still seem to attract fury from her detractors. Yet, never has one woman been so revered since Our Lady.

I think and experience that women with strong views really upset some people, including other women. Is this because the male gene is threatened? Anyhow, her views on abortion and contraception certainly caused much controversy. I think she just deeply believed in the biblical teachings and was not to be swayed by uncertainties. Everything she did was in good faith.

Mother Teresa was criticised for 'cosying up' to dictators. Indeed, she was civil to all, and fostered positive relationships with those who may be able to agree to helping with the financial side of her needs for the poor. She asked for, and accepted money from dubious sources from unsavoury country leaders. But this was done in an effort to do good to the millions of people who were hurt and left with nothing in war zones. Sadam Hussein agreed to her request to open an orphanage in one of the most dangerous areas under his command.

So she was heavily criticised, and so was Jesus, who was her model.

Then, when her doubts and loneliness in faith came to light, Christopher Hitchen was at her heels like a rottweiler, calling her an atheist and a fraud. How laughable, and how badly educated he was about his victim.

Mother Teresa may have done things that others find wrong, but she tried her hardest to be the perfect model for the poorest of the poor and gave her all for the needy, in mind, body and spirit.

God Bless her and salutations to her.

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