Today, I heard the sobering news broadcast on Radio 4, as above but no details (I don't want to know the details, pray for the suffering who have been victim to this heinous crime.) I honestly wonder whether paedophiles have some form of hidden career adviser telling them that Catholic Priest is the number one career to go for.
I can't understand it...UK, Ireland, Germany, and now the Netherlands..Forgive me for missing any countries out, I'm just quoting the news broadcasts of the past year and a half.
This is another devastating knock on the Catholic Church. I'm not alone in finding paedophilia the most sickening of habits of the human race, preying on the weak and vulnerable. Suffocating and disabling those who should be nurtured and helped to develop in the best of ways. And the Catholic Church (like any Church) is a flag holder for children, as in the bible.
Catholicism is a faith which I find addictive, ingrained in me. Selfishly, the comfort of the words of the creed and the beauty of the music of the Mass is an indulgence. But I find myself talking to friends who are not Catholics but are committed to their faith in God, and feel a certain dismissal, a polite nod and no comments, when (and why do I do this?) feel I have to say, 'Well, I'm Catholic so we attend this church'. It's almost as if King Hal was breathing over my shoulder!
God intended unity for the human race, and it's hard enough with our (sometimes rather awful) human nature. But you would expect those with faith to, if not do really well, but not have strange sexual leanings...or if they do, avoid the admission into priesthood. I know that paedophiles do head towards professions where they have easy access to children (priesthood being an easy target), but I feel that those around them, surely, should try really really hard to pick up on those who are not using the sacred sacrament of priesthood in the right way.
I really wonder whether I should be putting my trust into the faith I was baptised into, much as I love it. I would be so happy for my sons to be alter servers, but can I really leave my boys alone for 2 minutes in the care of the workers for my given faith? I feel sorry for my parish priests, who I feel are trustworthy. This is another hard day for the Catholic faith, and I feel that our faith is truly degraded by the actions of those who do not deserve the sacrament of priesthood, and by the inertia of the Vatican.
I can't understand it...UK, Ireland, Germany, and now the Netherlands..Forgive me for missing any countries out, I'm just quoting the news broadcasts of the past year and a half.
This is another devastating knock on the Catholic Church. I'm not alone in finding paedophilia the most sickening of habits of the human race, preying on the weak and vulnerable. Suffocating and disabling those who should be nurtured and helped to develop in the best of ways. And the Catholic Church (like any Church) is a flag holder for children, as in the bible.
Catholicism is a faith which I find addictive, ingrained in me. Selfishly, the comfort of the words of the creed and the beauty of the music of the Mass is an indulgence. But I find myself talking to friends who are not Catholics but are committed to their faith in God, and feel a certain dismissal, a polite nod and no comments, when (and why do I do this?) feel I have to say, 'Well, I'm Catholic so we attend this church'. It's almost as if King Hal was breathing over my shoulder!
God intended unity for the human race, and it's hard enough with our (sometimes rather awful) human nature. But you would expect those with faith to, if not do really well, but not have strange sexual leanings...or if they do, avoid the admission into priesthood. I know that paedophiles do head towards professions where they have easy access to children (priesthood being an easy target), but I feel that those around them, surely, should try really really hard to pick up on those who are not using the sacred sacrament of priesthood in the right way.
I really wonder whether I should be putting my trust into the faith I was baptised into, much as I love it. I would be so happy for my sons to be alter servers, but can I really leave my boys alone for 2 minutes in the care of the workers for my given faith? I feel sorry for my parish priests, who I feel are trustworthy. This is another hard day for the Catholic faith, and I feel that our faith is truly degraded by the actions of those who do not deserve the sacrament of priesthood, and by the inertia of the Vatican.