Hurrah, Thursday was my last day in my job, 24 years after joining on a YTS at 16 years old, I have broken loose. It was wierd, I was tense all week but on the last day, although felt lots of affection for my long time colleagues, no regrets or sadness. I felt more upset today about it if anything although not sad to not be going in next week!
I've been very busy watching and feeding the wild birds in the garden lately...a nest of chicks fell on the floor when my husband was tree pruning and to see them so tiny, scrawny and vunerable made my maternal hormones kick in like mad. Hence now the cost of feeding an increasing fan club of the bird table has become a little eye popping. In addition to this, the biggest fattest squirrel I've ever seen visited the other day. He had an undeniable grin on his face, amazed at his good was as if he's happened upon an oasis. A squirrel surely can't do too badly in the wild, but easy pickings or what. Well, my baking disasters also end up on the table, it's great to see them being demolished and enjoyed. This would not be possible by human consumption.
The son of the big fat squirrel visited today too. He's smaller but not shy at all. I thought he was a bit cheeky so I knocked on the window to shoo him away. In addition to this, some bigger birds are coming and chasing away the little ones. I'm a bit concerned by this, as the table is really for the small birds and fledglings. There are some really tiny balls of feathers hanging on there much of the time. So need to research about a mini scarecrow to fit on a bird table, or a sign which says, 'Big bullies keep off!', in bird language. Hmmm.
I've been very busy watching and feeding the wild birds in the garden lately...a nest of chicks fell on the floor when my husband was tree pruning and to see them so tiny, scrawny and vunerable made my maternal hormones kick in like mad. Hence now the cost of feeding an increasing fan club of the bird table has become a little eye popping. In addition to this, the biggest fattest squirrel I've ever seen visited the other day. He had an undeniable grin on his face, amazed at his good was as if he's happened upon an oasis. A squirrel surely can't do too badly in the wild, but easy pickings or what. Well, my baking disasters also end up on the table, it's great to see them being demolished and enjoyed. This would not be possible by human consumption.
The son of the big fat squirrel visited today too. He's smaller but not shy at all. I thought he was a bit cheeky so I knocked on the window to shoo him away. In addition to this, some bigger birds are coming and chasing away the little ones. I'm a bit concerned by this, as the table is really for the small birds and fledglings. There are some really tiny balls of feathers hanging on there much of the time. So need to research about a mini scarecrow to fit on a bird table, or a sign which says, 'Big bullies keep off!', in bird language. Hmmm.