Thursday, 8 December 2011

History of the Bible Resource for Older Children and the Young at Heart

I've been looking at lots of children's books lately, visited a religious book shop and browsed in a few online shops. There are some really sumptuous books around, which is the reason why the e-reader will never conquer the printed word.

I would rather have a beautifully crafted book than any number of jewels and have to really stop myself from overindulging, especially in the discount bookshops that are all around, where you feel justified in a couple of purchases due to the discount. Market stalls are bad for me in this way too.

There are some wonderful bible resources, especially for younger children, but how do you interest an older child who may not have had any previous interest or teaching in the Christian faith?

Here's how...some snappy and straight to the point bulletins of information, with modern and humerous illustrations. I have attached some of the work of Mike Dalby, and there will be more to this space.

Sunday, 4 December 2011


This year, more of us are feeling the pinch. For the first time in my life, I'm not earning an income due to redundancy (voluntary, but the pressure was on). Not complaining, there are far worse off than me and I never lose resourcefullness in case of the possibility of famine.

This year there seems more and more awful adverts on kids tv, pressuring parents to buy, buy, buy. And our instincts make us not want to have the child who is laughed at at school for not having the latest so-and-so. I was one of those who sorely felt the unkind remarks, having old school and not so well off parents, and was the laughing stock in my old fashioned shoes and plaits.

But I feel I have the last laugh now, having had good ethics taught to me, and which have made me stronger in the face of adversity.

Here are a couple of great examples of the feeling of many of us who want to reject the soulless and commercial Christmas sold to us by profit grabbing companies churning out stuff to divert our children from the true meaning of Christ's official birthday.....they were created by my newly aquainted minister of our local Family Centre Church, Mike Dalby (who is a 'capital fellow', as quoted in any good Charles Dickens novel.)