Sunday, 31 July 2011

Movie and other Media Age Ratings for Children Not OK

Is it really deemed to be of no effect that a 5 yrear old has viewed and played age innapropriate console games and seen a movie aged PG13+, meaning, 'Consider whether you're going to let you're 13 year old+ watch this'....and means not suitable for a 5 year old. See Commonsense Media for reviews.

People with children aged 16 had walked out of a 13+ movie due to the total lack of suitability for children. I then watched some clips and this confirmed that this is not a film I would have in the house, even for adults. This was echoed in the reviews by several parents.
But amazed me was the number of people who had actually taken under 13 year olds and then complained about quote one, ''A.N. other' actress oiled up and sexy was not what my 6 year old needed to see'.
Whether it was sexualised content, violence, swearing or plain bad content/plot/role models, what is the shock in finding a film rated much older than the child unsuitable?

It goes on from there...'Bloody war violence', certificate 18 is not suitable for 5 or 6 year olds and really, how can anyone misunderstand why not?...Because of stupidity, lack of responsibility or just complete lack of consideration, to the child they are exposing it to.

The incidence of children being exposed to usuitable media is now a huge problem. What is going to cure the problem of the lack of supervision, and the word, 'No' from feeding the 'supply and demand' chain of the media makers from making the garbage and raking it in?
I can say 'No', but am prevented from protecting this child when he is not with his responsible and loving family.
Must be a problem echoed in courts up and down the country, courts that are not receptive to the problems which have created the Big Society and questions as to why today's youth is so disaffected in parts...maybe it is not to do with Broken Britain, ie broken families, but the actual quality of care the child gets in the clutches of those who do not really give a hoot about the effects on children or what they take in from the media.
Another wave of screwed up kids on the way, Prime Minister......I wonder what the verdict will be in 10 years time, and will the law be the same ass as it always has been.

Being Brave Souls and solving this would pave the way for better things to come, would that Doing the Right Thing was the real issue, instead of that which gains in a monetary sense from the European Union...oh, and lawyers lining their pockets, plus judges who do not have the blindest clue (should they for one minute care) about the connotations of what is to become of the children they make sweeping judgements about in court.

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