Friday 4 March 2011

Thought for today

Just a thought that struck me yesterday whilst listening to a Radio 4 interview with Sara Brown, the wife of the ex Prime Minister, Gordon. She was describing being called over to meet George Clooney who had an appointment with Gordon. The interviewer asked how gaga she went during the short meeting, and Mrs Brown replied that she didn't go gaga, the person who she really went gaga over was Barbara Streisand.

This reminded me of a survey I read about some time ago, where men (with partners) were put in a room with an attractive available woman, and their reaction was documented. It was noted that the majority of the men flirted with the female and/or denied being attached to someone, then openly admitted to being attracted to the female.
The females put in the same position, however, largely protected their partner and denied being attracted to the males. Interesting, and this situation illustrated it perfectly.